Thyroid Disease
Different conditions of the thyroid gland mostly fall into these three categories:
Hypothyroidism: This is the under-functioning of the thyroid.
Hyperthyroidism: This is the over-functioning of the thyroid.
Euthyroid: This refers to there being normal functioning of the thyroid.
The thyroid
The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine (gland) system in the body. The endocrine system is useful for doing things like making adrenalin, insulin, hormones, and many other important secretions. The thyroid gland makes thyroid hormones, and four pockets of parathyroid glands within it make parathormone (parathyroid hormone), which affects the balance of calcium for our bones. Removing the entire thyroid gland will also remove the parathyroid glands, a surgical caveat that became apparent as soon as thyroid surgery was developed.
The thyroid itself is a butterfly-shaped gland that covers the trachea (windpipe) below the Adam’s apple. Its main ...
Aside from the common cold, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common reason people miss work. 10-20% of people have it, and women are twice as likely as men to have it; however, only 15% of IBS sufferers actually seek medical help.
What is IBS?
It is a chronic condition of the digestive system that causes abdominal pain and an alteration in bowel function, including constipation or diarrhea. As such, IBS is called a functional bowel disorder. Although all the tissue is normal, there is an abnormality in the amount or the synchrony of the normal functioning. IBS’s exact nature is still being investigated, but it has proven to be an elusive disease to diagnosticians and scientists alike.
What causes IBS?
The exact cause is unknown. A number of theories have been proposed, but it is unlikely that any one of them is the cause; instead, it is more likely that IBS is caused by a confederation of causes that vary in terms of their influence on the gastrointestina ...